Wednesday 2 February 2011

Widowmaker (the horse)

Warhorses of Letters is a running strand in a comedy night called Tall Tales. People with a lot of time and Google on their hands periodically send me things they have found while looking for one or the other: Disney (one of my more persistent Nemeses, see Stripes, Racing) released a film called Tall Tale in 1995.

Luckily, Tall Tale is not about an evening of comic stories and songs; it's a ropey-sounding Western. it features a legendary cowboy called Pecos Bill, played by Patrick Swayze, and his horse, Widowmaker, a dangerous animal he eventually leaves with the small boy who is the film's hero, which doesn't seem sensible. Still, Widowmaker is a good name for a warhorse.


Zed said...

Widowmaker is very much a warhorse of letters, the word having been coined (independently?) by Shakespeare and Kipling. Sadly the horse seems neither old nor gray. Apparently it's also medical slang for certain kinds of heart attack...

Claire said...

It'd be a good name for a full fried breakfast in a truckers stop.

Unknown said...

Anyone know the breed of Paco's horse Widowmaker. I'm thinking freezing.

Unknown said...

Widowmaker was portrayed by a Friesian (: