Thursday 5 November 2009

why don't you come up and see me sometime?

Better yet, why don't you come to Windsor on the 26th? Not only can you ask me whatever your heart desires, but also we can swap books.

The Firestation Book Swap is one of those slightly magic alchemical events that is almost impossible to describe. Scott Pack and Marie Phillips sit on a stag with sofas (a stag, yes, not a stage. A huge stag)* and lead a conversation with two authors. It's not just or exactly about their books - it's also about being a writer. And everyone brings a books to swap with each other (sometimes everyone brings books they don't like, but this doesn't work as well as when they bring good books, and I am bringing a cracker). And the audience puts questions on any subject they like apart from writing in a jar.** Also, people bring cakes which get handed around.

It sounds like chaos, and it's the kind of thing that could be insufferable if it were done badly or for the wrong reasons, but it's great. It's a room full of people who love books and want to chat about them. Really, come. It would be great to see you.

My Nemesis for the evening, since you ask, is Richard Asplin, who wrote this. One of the almost entirely unknown facts about me is that I love No Exit Press. This one's an easily underestimatible cracker.

See you there.

* Ok, a stage
** I practised being asked wide-ranging questions by submitting to a three-hour grilling from some charming and diligent American students on Tuesday - they quizzed me on plot aspects of the book, how I could make the cover better, how much I was paid and why I wasn't married. There is more or less nothing I am not prepared for after that, you might think, but I've been to Firestation Book Swaps before, and you get asked things like 'If I gave you a labrador, what would you call it?'***
*** I would call it after a friend of mine whose name I won't vulgarly publicise, but which rhymes with Smellis Pareen.

1 comment:

Kosha Engler said...

Excellent use of Smellis. I am laughing as I type.